The #StayAtHome movement might sound great to introverts and those who just want to get through their TBR list. But spending all your time indoors, cooped up with your family, non-stop, might not be what you bargained for.

We’ve got you! 

This April we’re all taking part in Bookly’s #StayAtHomeReadathon! 🤩

Because in times like these there’s nothing else that could serve us better than reading. 

So here’s our call for social distancing: Read every day for at least 3.5 hours every day or 25 hours during the week and shout out to all your friends as well!


Here’s everything you need to know about the readathon:

When is the readathon taking place?

From April 13, 00:00 EST to April 19, 23:59 EST 

What do I need to do? 

Read at least 3.5 hours every day or a total of 25 hours during the week. That’s it! 

Where can I sign up?

You can sign up to be a reader by:

  1. Filling out this form AND 
  2. Sharing this readathon on Twitter:

You can sign up for the #StayAtHomeReadathon until April 12, 23:59 EST.

Once I sign up to read, what do I do next?

Keep your eye on our Twitter account! In the days leading up to the Bookly #StayAtHomeReadathon, we’ll post about updates, prizes, and all kinds of other great stuff.

Prizes? Did you say prizes?

Yep! We’re offering three $50 gift cards that you can use to buy books from any online retailer of your choice. 

How do I win?

It’s simple! Use the Bookly app to keep track of how much you read during the readathon and your reading stats. At the end of the week, download your weekly reading report and submit it here.

We’ll randomly select 3 winners. Good luck and happy reading!

Sign up for the #StayAtHomeReadathon

Sign up for the Bookly #StayAtHomeReadathon here.

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