What if I told you that you can easily read one book a week, even with a packed schedule?
Sometimes, we skip reading regularly for all kinds of reasons. Books might be pricey, especially when buying brand-new copies. Even second-hand books, though more affordable, can take time and effort to hunt down.
But here’s the thing: reading more isn’t about having extra time, money, or energy; you just have to prioritize it and squeeze it into your daily routine.

Here are a few simple tips to help you read a book (or even more!) each week.
10 Tips on How to Read One Book a Week 
1. Find Some “Me Time”
“I just don’t have time for it.”
Many people use this excuse to explain why they don’t make daily reading a priority.
I know life can get busy, with unexpected tasks constantly popping up. But if you love to immerse yourself in books, you owe it to yourself to make time for it.
Simply choose a time slot that fits your schedule, block it out in your planner, and use reminders on your phone or watch to keep your literary goals on track.
2. Use Bookly to Track Your Reading
When setting reading reminders, I’m a huge fan of the Bookly App. 🫶 It has a handy feature that gently nudges me to read at a specific time.
This is just what I need to ensure that I don’t forget to pick up my book.
Thanks to Bookly, I’m going through my reading list—and I don’t let a day go by without opening a book.
3. Take a Book with You Everywhere You Go
Keep a book nearby at all times, whether it’s a physical copy, an audiobook, or an e-book on your Kindle, to sneak in a few extra pages whenever you can.
The next time you find yourself waiting in line, commuting, or sitting at an appointment, why not pull out your book and knock out a chapter or two?
Even just 10-15 minutes of reading here and there can seriously add up. You’ll be surprised by how much more you can read in a week by taking full advantage of these small chunks of time throughout your day.
4. Build a Cozy Reading Nook
Every book lover needs a special spot just for themselves to get lost in their favorite stories. My reading nook at home has everything I need: a big, comfy chair, a super-soft blanket, and a gently lit lamp that sets the perfect mood.
I sometimes even light a candle to add an extra touch of coziness—anything that helps me relax and settle into my reading.
The idea is to have a comfortable space where you can read with no distractions every day. Just you and your book—no phones and no background chatter.

On a sunny summer day, grab a blanket and head to the beach, park, or backyard to set up an outdoor reading spot. The natural sunlight will lift your spirits and make reading even more enjoyable.
5. Read Other Books by Your Favorite Authors
Remember those authors who have captivated you with their writing? Maybe they’ve penned other bestselling series or standalone novels that you haven’t had a chance to explore yet. They might have also dabbled in other genres that could interest you.
When you start reading a new book by one of your favorite authors, it’s often easier to get caught up in the story. Their signature style, including characters, settings, and plotlines, has already won you over. And chances are, it will happen again.
Just choose a book that genuinely intrigues you; that way, you’ll stay motivated to flip through the pages and get to read one book a week.
6. Start a Book Club or Get a Reading Buddy
Being part of a book club or having a reading buddy makes it easier to stick to your reading schedule. Knowing you’ll get to discuss the book you read in a week at your next meet-up or with your reading pal is a pretty strong motivator, don’t you think?
Plus, your reading group or partner can also offer support through those challenging reads.
Growing up in a family of teachers, my love for reading was passed down through generations. Every summer, my mom and I would visit the local library to pick out books—and then we’d discuss them together after I finished reading them.
7. View Your TBR List as a Fun Challenge
Do you ever feel anxious when you look at your TBR list? You’re not alone, given the large pile of books many of us have waiting to be read.
But guess what? It’s actually a good problem to have.
I’ve noticed my TBR list getting longer over time. Instead of worrying about it, I’ve started seeing it as a fun challenge that encourages me to read more—and faster, too.
8. Stuck in a Reading Rut? DNF More!
It’s totally fine if you don’t like every book you read. I had a tough time with the Twilight series myself—it just didn’t click for me.
If you’re not connecting with the book you’re reading, it might be time to explore something different. Trying out a new genre can help you freshen up your reading routine.
Although romance is my favorite, reading too many love stories in a row eventually gets a little boring.
9. Get a Reading Journal
Keeping a reading journal can help you stick to your daily reading habits.
By jotting down your targets, monitoring your progress, and planning your to-read list, you’ll find yourself more likely to follow through on your reading goals.
You can choose between a physical notebook or a digital journal, whichever suits you better.
10. Detox From Social Media
Did you know the average user spends 2 hours and 31 minutes daily on social media?
Setting healthy boundaries on these platforms will surely make more room for reading.
Here’s an idea: swap out some of your screen time before bed for reading. You might end up finishing a book in just a week!
But Hey, Remember to Be Kind to Yourself
Life is full of ups and downs.
At times, we reach our goals, while others may miss the mark.
When you go off track, simply take note and gently guide yourself back.
Forming a new habit can take anywhere from 30 to 60 days. So, be patient yet determined to make time for reading whenever possible—it will be so worth it.
This article was written by our Bookly Pro Reader, Tanisha!
Don’t Forget to Keep Track of Your Reading Progress With Bookly
Whether you track your reading progress in a spreadsheet, journal, notebook, or app, just remember to do it! Bookly makes it easy to track your progress.
Bookly can help keep you accountable, track books, and improve your reading habits.
And don’t forget that Bloo, your reading assistant, will always be by your side and help you improve by tracking all the books you read!
Download Bookly for iOS https://bookly.app.link/nAH81rtpg9
Download Bookly for Android https://bookly.app.link/4TMM20xpg9
These tips are really helpful. I love them all. Although Number 1 is definitely the one I’m going to implement first!
Because you are so right- if I want to read more, which I do, I need fo stop making excuses that I don’t have time and actually make the time!
I also love the tip about bringing a book with me everywhere I go so I can sneak in a few pages at any time. So simple.
Thanks so much Tanisha.
We’re so happy to hear you found the tips useful. Happy reading!